
Student-created Linux Binary Exploitation course taught at George Mason University in the Spring and Fall semesters of 2021.

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Course Schedule

This to-do list has been created for your convience. It contains the tasks that you should do each week in order to make sure that you are on top of things. Obviously, you don’t have to follow this schedule exactly as it is posted, but it is designed to be the optimal way to complete this class with an A without much stress.

Week 1 (8/23 - 8/28):

  -Watch introduction.

  -Install CS395 virtual machine.

  -Watch week 1 lecture.

  -Review the basics of C (optional).

  -Review integer representation (optional).

  -Review x86 syntax (optional).

  -Review Python (optional).

Week 2 (8/29 - 9/4):

  -Watch week 2 lecture.

  -Watch week 2 optional lecture (optional).

  -Read Smashing the Stack For Fun And Profit.

Week 3 (9/5 - 9/11):

  -Watch week 3 lecture.

  -Complete assignment 0.

Week 4 (9/12 - 9/18):

  -Watch week 4 lecture.

  -Watch week 4 optional lecture (optional).

  -Complete assignment 1.

Week 5 (9/19 - 9/25):

  -Watch week 5 lecture.

  -Complete assignment 2.

Week 6 (9/26 - 10/2):

  -Watch week 6 lecture.

  -Complete assignment 3.

Week 7 (10/3 - 10/9):

  -Watch week 7 lecture.

  -Complete assignment 4.

  -Start working on the final project.

Week 8 (10/10 - 10/16):

  -Watch week 8 lecture.

  -Continue working on the final project.

Week 9 (10/17 - 10/23):

  -Watch week 9 lecture.

  -Continue working on the final project.

Week 10 (10/24 - 10/30):

  -Watch week 10 lecture part 1.

  -Watch week 10 lecture part 2.

  -Watch Intuition Behind Exploitation (optional).

  -Watch From Zero to Zero Day (optional).

  -Submit the final project.